The Association shall be called The Ocean County Bar Association.
This Association is formed for the purpose of maintaining the honor and dignity of the profession of law, cultivating social relations among its members, increasing its usefulness in promoting the due administration of justice, and providing continuing legal education to its members.
Memberships in this Association shall be divided into three categories: Active, Paraprofessional and Associate.
Section 1. Active Members: Any member of the Bar of the State of New Jersey, in good standing, practicing or residing in the County of Ocean.
Section 2. Paraprofessional Members: Any Paralegal or Legal Secretary working in Ocean County shall be eligible for membership as a Paraprofessional member, subject to the approval and recommendation of the Officers and Board of Trustees.
Section 3. Associate Members: All law students, who reside in the County of Ocean shall be eligible for membership as an Associate Member, subject to the approval and recommendation of the Officers and Board of Trustees.
Section 4. Honorary Members: All retired Judges and members of the Ocean County Bar who have practiced for fifty (50) or more years shall be eligible for membership as an Honorary Member, subject to the approval and recommendation of the Officers and Board of Trustees.
Section 5. Paraprofessional Members and Associate Members shall be entitled to the privileges of the floor of the Association but shall not be entitled to vote; and shall have no right, title or interest in any property of the Association.
Section 6. Auxiliary Members shall be permitted to attend one designated event per year and additional events at the discretion of the Officers and Board of Trustees.
Section 7. Any member of this Association who is disbarred or suspended from practice shall automatically cease to be a member of this Association during the period of such disbarment or suspension.
Section 1. Each member shall pay annual dues as determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Dues shall become due and payable on January 1st of each year.
Section 3. Each applicant joining after January 1st shall pay dues for the entire calendar year.
Section 4. If dues are not paid by a member within sixty (60) days after a bill is rendered, such member shall be considered suspended from membership, and all privileges thereof, until such time as the member's dues are brought current subject, however, to the provisions of Section 5 below.
Section 5. A member who fails to pay the current yearly dues on or before the last day of the year shall be struck from the rolls as a member unless the Board of Trustees for cause determine otherwise. A member so stricken from the rolls of the Association may apply again for membership but only as a new member.
Section 6. There shall be earmarked out of each members' dues paid the sum of $5.00 to be allocated for the "Ocean County Bar Association Memorial Scholarship Foundation." This scholarship shall be awarded annually in the name of Association members who have passed away. The number of scholarships, the amount and the person or persons to whom said scholarships shall be awarded shall be determined by the Scholarship Committee appointed by the President. The scholarships are limited to Ocean County residents who seek to attend an accredited law school.
Section 1. The Officers of this Association shall be:
Subsection A: For the election year June 2021 through May 2022, President, President Elect, two (2) Vice Presidents designated as a First and Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Subsection B: For the election year June 2021 through May 2022, President, President Elect, First Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Subsection C: For the subsequent election years, President, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2. There shall be twelve (12) Trustees including the Immediate Past President, Young Lawyer Liaison, (who shall be under 35 years of age or admitted to the Bar for less than 10 years) and the N. J. State Bar Association Trustee representing Ocean County.
Section 3. The Trustees, with the Officers above, shall constitute the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall manage the property and affairs of the Association including the employment of an executive director and such other personnel as it deems necessary. The compensation package of the Executive Director shall be reviewed annually by a committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees.
Section 4. In case of the death, resignation or removal of any one of the above-mentioned Officers or Trustees, or delegates, provided for below during his term of office, the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint his successor for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 5. Officers and Trustees shall serve a one-year term subject to reappointment, except for the State Bar Trustee, who shall serve as long as he or she holds that position with the State Bar in accordance with the By-Laws of that association.
Section 6. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, appoint all committees, except as otherwise provided herein, and perform such other duties as the Association or Board of Trustees may from time to time direct. In the absence of the President, it shall be the duty of the President Elect to perform the duties of the President, as the Association or Board of Trustees shall direct. The President may, from time to time, designate one or more members to attend and represent the Association at any meetings or proceedings of other Bar Associations.
Section 7. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees and perform all such other duties as the By-Laws may prescribe or the Association or Board of Trustees may from time to time direct.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall keep, receive and under direction of the Board of Trustees, disburse, deposit or invest the funds of the Association. He or she shall keep the books of account, showing the account of each member, which shall be open to inspection by any member at proper times. He or she shall report in writing to the Board of Trustees, as often as required, the financial condition of the Association.
Section 9. All Officers and Trustees are required to support Bar activities, including meetings and social functions, as part of their responsibilities and duties during their term in office. Any Officer or Trustee who fails to do so, without a valid excuse, shall be subject to removal from their position at the discretion of the Officers and Trustees. Any Officer or Trustee who fails to attend three consecutive Board meetings or four Board meetings in any twelve-month period may be removed as an Officer or Trustee of the Association, after due opportunity for a hearing, by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Trustees. The Secretary of the Board shall give written notice of these Bylaw provisions to any Officer or Trustee who misses two meetings in any twelve-month period. This provision shall not be applicable to the Immediate Past President or the State Bar Trustee who serve ex officio.
Section 1. The President shall annually appoint a Nominating Committee of a minimum of six (6) past presidents who shall nominate for election at the annual meeting all Officers, Trustees (except the Past President and the State Bar Trustee who shall serve ex officio) to be elected by the members of the Association. The Report of the Nominating Committee shall be filed with the Board of Trustees and notice of the report shall be mailed to the members at least ten (10) days before the May meeting. A person nominated as an Officer shall have previously held an office in the Association or the position of Trustee. Nominations, other than those made by the Nominating Committee, may be made from the floor at the May meeting provided such nominations are consistent with the provisions of these By Laws.
Section 2. At the May meeting in each year, there shall be elected Officers in accordance with Article V, Section 1, and ten Trustees (excluding the Past President and State Bar Trustee) all to serve for a term of one (1) year, beginning June 1, following said election, and as of that date the term as President of the President Elect, who shall have been elected the previous May, shall commence and the Officers shall serve in such capacity until their successors are elected and qualified. The Young Lawyer Liaison may not be reelected to the same position which shall be limited to one term.
Section 1. The annual meeting of the Association and election of Officers and Trustees shall be held each year in May, at such time and place as shall be fixed by the President. Other regular meetings shall be held monthly for the transaction of all matters of business, except that such regular meetings may be changed or dispensed with by the action of the President or Board of Trustees. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Two-thirds (2/3) of the members present shall any annual, regular or special meeting shall be sufficient for voting purposes for the transaction of all matters of business.
Section 3. The Executive Director shall notify members of every meeting by notice sent to them at least ten (10) days before the meeting except as to the annual meeting, the notice shall be mailed fifteen (15) days prior thereto.
Members to the following Standing and Special Committees shall be appointed annually by the President from the membership of the Association together with such Ad Hoc committees as the President may choose to utilize or establish from time to time.
A. Standing Committees
1. Alternate Dispute Resolution
2. Bankruptcy
3. Civil Practice
4. Criminal Practice
5. Elder Law
6. Emergency Assistance
7. Employment Law
8. Family Law
9. Golf Outing
10. JPAC
11. Land Use / Real Estate
12. Law Day
13. Mock Trial
14. Municipal Court
15. Nominating
16. Probate/Chancery
17. Pro Bono
18. Scholarship
19. Special Civil Part / Small Claims / Landlord & Tenant
20. Veterans Committee
21. Women`s
22. Workers’ Compensation
23. Young Lawyers
B. Ad Hoc Committees
1. To be determined as needed in the discretion of the President and Board of Trustees
C. Ad Hoc Committees shall be formed by President of the Association from time to time as the President and/or Board of Trustees deems necessary or advisable.
a. The duty of each Ad Hoc Committee shall be dictated by the President of the Association at the formation of such Committee in order to address specific needs or requirements and shall terminate upon the completion of the term of the President who established the same unless extended by the successor to the President.
Any Active Member shall be eligible for any of the Board of Trustee positions of this Association, provided he or she has been a member in good standing for not less than three (3) consecutive years immediately preceding his election.
The order of business at all meetings of this Association shall be as follows:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
3. Report of Treasurer
4. Reading of Communications
5. Reports of Committees
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
8. Elections - if an Annual Meeting
9. Adjournment
All meetings shall be conducted pursuant to Parliamentary Rules of procedure.
These By-Laws may be amended or supplemented at any annual, regular or special-meeting upon a two-thirds vote of the members present at such meeting, provided that the proposed amendments or' supplements shall have been submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees and notice thereof given by mail, verified electronic mail, or posting on the official website of the Association to each member at least Thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which action is to be taken.
Upon the dissolution of the Ocean County Bar Association the Officers and the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all the liabilities of the Ocean County Bar Association, dispose of all remaining assets to a non-profit organization(s) recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and in good standing at that time.
Such disposition is to be determined by the Board of Trustees as to the specific amounts to each appropriate nonprofit organization.
The Seal of the Ocean County Bar Association shall be as follows: