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Ocean County Bar


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If you need a lawyer or legal advice but do not know who to call, the Ocean County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service can help.

Call 732-240-3666. If no one is available, leave your name, telephone number and a brief description of your legal problem. You can also email for a Referral from the Referral List. In your email please indicate your name and contact information and a general description of your legal issue.

Our administrator will review your request and then will suggest two or three attorneys in the your geographic area, if possible, who may be able to assist with your particular legal matter.

There is no fee for this service. You will be charged by the referred attorney for the initial consultation an amount no greater than $30.00 for the first half hour. The consultation includes only the conference and advice, but not the preparation of any document.  If further legal service is required, fee arrangements are made between you and the lawyer.

The Bar Association does not provide pro bono services but is dedicated to helping the public find a participating lawyer who can assist you with your legal issue and problems.

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Ocean County Bar Association

Office: 732-240-3666
Fax: 732-240-4907

100 Hooper Ave

PO Box 381
Toms River, NJ 08754

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